Don’t Let Your Home Office Set Up Hold You Back - Here Are the Top Tips for Working From Home Successfully
For many of us working from home looks a lot different than it did just 6 months ago! Whether you've been recently forced to transition to remote work entirely or have made the shift gradually over time, now more than ever there is an increased focus on designing our home office for maximum productivity. Instead of relying solely on traditional kitchen tables and living room sofas as makeshift desks, it's important that we commit both large and small design elements in order to create the perfect workspace. In this blog post, we'll provide some tips from The Office Crowd on how to build an effective home office environment with minimal effort yet high reward!
Working from home has become increasingly popular in recent years, allowing more flexibility and convenience than ever before. But if you don’t set up your home office correctly, it can be difficult to stay productive and focused on task. When designing a home office, there are several factors to consider.
The right chair is essential for comfort and ergonomics, as is minimizing distractions and cultivating an environment that feels like a professional workspace. With the tips outlined in this article, you can design a home office that will help you stay productive all day long.
Choosing the Right Chair
A good chair is the cornerstone of any productive work space. If you don’t have a proper ergonomic setup at home, long hours of sitting can lead to back pain and other health problems. One of the best chairs for long hours of sitting is the Herman Miller Aeron chair; it provides adjustable lumbar support as well as adjustable arms and seat depth for optimal ergonomics. However, if you’re looking for something with a more modern design or cheaper price tag, The Office Crowd has a variety of designer chairs at fractional prices that are perfect for any home office setup.
Creating a Professional Environment
If your desk isn’t organized properly or your walls are covered in distracting posters, it can be difficult to stay on task while working from home. To create an environment similar to what you would find in an office setting, try adding some subtle decorations like artwork or plants to make it feel like less of an extension of your living room. A comfortable area rug or throw blanket can add warmth and texture to the room without making it too cluttered or distracting – just make sure not to get too cosy! Additionally, keeping your desk neat and organized will ensure that everything is within reach when inspiration strikes.
Getting the Fit Right
When designing your ideal workspace, it’s also important to think about how everything fits together physically. Your desk should be positioned so that light sources like windows do not create glare on your computer screen; alternatively, consider using blinds or curtains if necessary. Your chair should also be adjusted correctly – sit with both feet flat on the floor with equal weight on each side – and make sure that your desk height allows you to keep your elbows bent at 90 degrees while typing or writing at its surface (this will help keep pressure off of your wrists). Finally, minimize distractions by keeping things like TVs, phones, or other gadgets out of sight when you need to focus on work-related tasks only!
Creating an efficient workspace at home doesn't have to be complicated – just remember these three key points: choose the right chair for long hours of sitting (like the Herman Miller Aeron), cultivate an environment similar to what you would find in an office setting (by adding subtle decorations), and get the fit right (by adjusting furniture correctly). With these tips in mind, you'll be able to design a productive home office that keeps you focused all day long!