What goes around comes around. Celebrate Give Something Away Day with us!
Have you ever wondered what happens to the office chair, desk, or filing cabinet you’re about to dispose of? It’s estimated that the UK produces over 222 million tonnes of waste every year, with a significant amount coming from businesses.
At The Office Crowd we take it upon ourselves to take furniture destine for landfill and give it a second life.You too can also participate in this circular economy, and there is even a day for it!!!
Give Something Away Day - a simple yet impactful event that encourages people to share what they no longer need with others. In this blog, we’ll explore the history of Give Something Away Day, how it can help reduce landfill waste, and how it ties into the circular economy.
Give Something Away Day started as a digital movement in the US, aiming to encourage people to declutter their homes and help someone else in the process. The event quickly spread across the world and is now celebrated on the 15th of July every year. The idea is simple; instead of throwing away household items or office equipment, you can give them away for free, either to friends, family, local organisations, or charities. By doing so, we can reduce waste, save money, and make someone's day all at once.
The amount of waste produced by businesses, particularly during an office relocation or refurbishment, is staggering. But one person’s trash is another’s treasure, as the saying goes, and the Give Something Away Day initiative can help ensure that perfectly good items find a new home and avoid ending up in landfill. Doing so makes a significant impact on the environment by reducing the amount of waste going to landfill and saving the natural resources needed to produce new products.
The circular economy, which is based on the principles of sustainability and reducing waste, highlights the importance of reusing and recycling materials. By giving something away on a day dedicated to sharing, you participate in the circular economy. You extend the life of the item and reduce the environmental impact of producing new things. It’s a sign of a more conscious society committed to preserving resources, and it’s encouraging to see the number of people willing to participate in this movement.
The Give Something Away Day can have a significant impact on many goods, including commercial furniture. Research shows that around 300,000 tonnes of commercial furniture goes to landfill every year in the UK. It's such a waste, especially since the majority of these items are perfectly fine and could easily find a new home. This statistic highlights the urgent need to take action to reduce office furniture waste, and Give Something Away Day is a good way to think about how to help reduce waste while benefiting others.
It’s essential to acknowledge just how much waste is produced every day and its implications for the environment. The Give Something Away Day is a chance to make a difference by reducing waste, both in the office and at home.
The circular economy is key to a sustainable future, and giving something away is a small step towards that goal. It’s a chance to declutter your office, give back to your community, and benefit someone else while helping the environment. So, next time you’re about to throw something away, remember that it could have a new lease of life... whether it is on a day dedicated to reducing waste, or any other day of the year.